SKU: -
Category: শাক-সবজি , ধুন্দল
Availability: Unlimited
Sponge Gourd is dark green with an average length of 61 cm and diameter of 7.6 cm. The flesh is white, soft, with white beans. But when it is old, the seeds turn to black, and coarse fibrous tissue when its old. Sponge Gourd contains various antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, nutrients and lipids. It is an excellent source of Vitamin A and carbohydrates. It is also a very good source of Vitamin B5, Manganese, Potassium, Copper, Total dietary fiber, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and Magnesium.
Model Number:
Availability: In stock
Minimum order quantity: 10
Maximum order quantity:
Listed date: 18 ফেব, 2024